Parent Advice

The State of our Children’s Health

The State of our Children’s Health

Rhetoric, regulatory capture, and the lack of governmental action have created and fueled one of the greatest crimes of the times which is the allowance and acceptance of the chronic poisoning of our children.  Although the root causes of this health-crisis-tsunami...

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The Clean Hand Obsession From supermarkets to schoolyards, it is hard to travel more than ten feet without running into a bottle of hand sanitizer!  Since the beginning of the COVID era, the usage of sanitizing products has expanded, particularly in areas that...

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What’s Making our Children Sick?

What’s Making our Children Sick?

Regenerating Our Health and Food So many ill children reveal the ways we have outgrown our medical model and our predominant food production systems.  The problems our kids suffer from most persistently today are complex, arising from a multisystem dysfunctional...

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Big Farms, Empty Food, Chronic Disease

Modern agriculture has made food plentiful and abundant—but not healthy. Half of the American population have chronic diseases, utilizing 86 percent of health care dollars. Oftentimes the blame is placed on those who are ill for their lifestyle choices. But the...

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