Parent Advice
Reading Scientific Studies: With a Perspective on a Mock GE Study
There has never been a more important time than the present to understand not only genetically engineered organisms, but the research behind their propagation and promotion. The science of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or genetic engineering (GE) is rapidly...
Pesticides and the Crisis in Children’s Health
The role of pesticides as a major factor and prime cause in the downward trajectory of our children’s health has been known for decades. There are innumerable studies that have documented how pesticides work and why they are so dangerous for our children. Yet,...
Michelle Perro Testimonials – Jack
Michelle Perro Testimonials – Lisa
Pesticide Regulation: We Can Do Better
GMOScience Editorial mini review on the recent publication: Novel strategies and new tools to curtail the health effects of pesticides; Benbrook C, et al. Environmental Health: volume 20, Article number: 87; 2021. Despite decades of research in the area of...
Episode 4: Emerging Infections in Children
Episode 3: Healing the Food System; Healing Ourselves
Episode 2: Diet and Immune Function