
Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies
Article by Michelle Perro, MD, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, and Zen Honeycutt BFA Introduction Consumer groups, GMOScience, Moms Across America, and supporters have commissioned the testing of Girl Scout cookies for toxic metals and glyphosate/AMPA (an herbicide and its byproduct), to promote awareness and positive change for health. The results were extremely concerning. 100% of the samples were positive for glyphosate 100% were positive for toxic metals 22 out of 25 (88%) of samples were positive...

Guest blog: Glyphosate/AMPA and Asthma in Argentina
Note from GMOScience: Chuck Benbrook, PhD in agricultural economics, ( writes about the publication of a recent shocking study from Argentina exposing the explosion of asthma in the Argentinian city of Monte Maiz from pesticides (1). Glyphosate/AMPA and Asthma in Argentina; reflections on a concerning new study “This is why glyphosate joins a relatively few pesticides as an essentially unavoidable, ubiquitous global pollutant of the human body...
Exposure to Imidacloprid and Glyphosate: Effects on Vertebrates
Judy Hoy is a scientist, wildlife biologist, and educator, who taught elementary school for 12 years, rehabilitated wildlife for 50 years, continuously documented the birth defects that began occurring on wildlife in spring of 1995 and has co-authored several...
An Indigenous Woman Fights Back Against Monsanto and Wins
One person can make a difference! A 55-year-old native Mayan beekeeper, Leydy Pech, has won out against Monsanto in a grassroots effort to protect her precious bees from glyphosate poisoning. Mexico is the sixth largest honey-producing country in the world, and the...
You Asked! We Answered! Do Carbon Filters Eliminate Glyphosate?
Reader Kathryn L. asks whether carbon filters can eliminate glyphosate from her drinking water. Good question! This is what we found out As per the EPA, studies show that glyphosate is effectively removed with activated-carbon methods, as well as chlorine and...
GlyphoWHAT? The Daily Poisoning of Our Children
Our children are consuming a daily dose of poison. Parents are unaware of the great harm befallen our most vulnerable. And for those parents who attempt to thwart the daily dose of poison, children consume it at school.
Floating Wetlands: A Possible Solution to Urban Pollution
Floating wetlands are man-made artificial platforms that support the growth of aquatic plants in water that is typically too deep for them. There is an expanding technology that is gaining popularity in urban areas that involves installing multiple floating wetlands...
There Is No Need For GMO Maize: Regenerative Organic Agriculture Produces Higher Yields
RHI Advisor, Dr. Andre Leu, takes a deep dive into organic agriculture via a risk/benefits analysis, with a nod to Mexico’s cutting edge stance on phasing out glyphosate and imported GMOs. An overview of the harm from chemical farming with a focus on children’s health and development is discussed and referenced.