GM Foods: A Moment of Honesty

GM Foods: A Moment of Honesty

So many have claimed that GE foods are perfectly safe, that the science is settled and only fools would deny this. However, professor of Anthropology and Environmental Studies Glenn Davis Stone explains that precisely identical claims have been made before for...
How the Great Food War Will Be Won

How the Great Food War Will Be Won

Do we need GE crops to “feed the world”? Scientist Jonathan Latham explains why it is important to understand that this is a fallacy. In his words, “there is no global or regional shortage of food. There never has been and nor is there ever likely to...
A Pediatrician’s Viewpoint

A Pediatrician’s Viewpoint

By Michelle Perro, M.D., D. Hom.Caring for children has been my entire life’s work. It requires an open mind to perform this work, particularly in our present environment that challenges the health of this very vulnerable population. For those of us who embrace the...
How We Read Scientific Studies

How We Read Scientific Studies

The science of genetic engineering is rapidly evolving, and it is changing the environment, agriculture and food manufacturing and consumption in profound ways. New applications of existing tools to genetically modify plants and animals are under development around...