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Pediacide – An editorial by Drs. Seneff and Perro
The following article is a joint collaboration between Michelle Perro, MD (Executive Director) and Stephanie Seneff, PhD (MIT Research Scientist). In 2017, Dr. Perro and Dr. Adams produced the highly acclaimed book, What’s Making our Children Sick? with a focus on the...
Dr. Michelle Perro on Healing Kids via the Gut Microbiome
Our Executive Director, Dr. Michelle Perro, MD has published a guest blog on the Heartland Health Research Alliance website. Here’s an excerpt. During the past several decades, I have observed rapid escalation in rates of chronic disease in my patients, as well...
Secret Ingredients Film
Secret Ingredients, is an award-winning film which shares the journeys of individuals who have discovered that the “secret ingredients” in their food were making them sick. Their dietary changes consisted of a trial of going to completely organic food without...Stress, the microbiome and pregnancy: The protective role of omega-3 fatty acids
By Rachel Benbrook ( and Dr. Michelle Perro ( A multi-disciplinary team of psychiatrists, doctors, and epidemiologists crafted a fascinating study that looked at how adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, impact the gut microbiome...