Childhood Illness

You Asked! We Answered! Do Carbon Filters Eliminate Glyphosate?
Reader Kathryn L. asks whether carbon filters can eliminate glyphosate from her drinking water. Good question! This is what we found out As per the EPA, studies show that glyphosate is effectively removed with activated-carbon methods, as well as chlorine and ozone. There are more than 750 glyphosate-based herbicides on the market, (Roundup being the most renowned), so this is a commonly used and ubiquitous herbicide. How does glyphosate get into your water, Kathryn? Run-off and erosion...
Pesticides and the Crisis in Children’s Health
The role of pesticides as a major factor and prime cause in the downward trajectory of our children’s health has been known for decades. There are innumerable studies that have documented how pesticides work and why they are so dangerous for our children. Yet, agribusinesses and government officials ignore both the well-vetted scientific and clinical information available and continue to promote the application of pesticide usage despite these alarming negative trends in our children’s health...
Episode 1: Kids’ Immune System Overview
Dr. Michelle Perro – The Standard American Diet: Overfed and Undernourished
Michelle Perro, MD,is interviewed on The Brain Possible podcast to discuss how the Sandard American Diet has led to us being overfed and undernourished. She shares the impact on our children's health and tips for how we can make changes.
Pediacide – An editorial by Drs. Seneff and Perro
The following article is a joint collaboration between Michelle Perro, MD (Executive Director) and Stephanie Seneff, PhD (MIT Research Scientist). In 2017, Dr. Perro and Dr. Adams produced the highly acclaimed book, What’s Making our Children Sick? with a focus on the...
Dr. Michelle Perro on Healing Kids via the Gut Microbiome
Our Executive Director, Dr. Michelle Perro, MD has published a guest blog on the Heartland Health Research Alliance website. Here's an excerpt. During the past several decades, I have observed rapid escalation in rates of chronic disease in my patients, as well as a...
Stress, the microbiome and pregnancy: The protective role of omega-3 fatty acids
By Rachel Benbrook ( and Dr. Michelle Perro ( A multi-disciplinary team of psychiatrists, doctors, and epidemiologists crafted a fascinating study that looked at how adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, impact the gut microbiome...
You Are What You Ate
Theresa Marquez, host of Heartland Stories, is in conversation with Dr. Michelle Perro, Executive Director of GMOScience, co-author of “What is Making our Children Sick” and a veteran pediatrician with over thirty-nine years of experience in acute and integrative...