Nutrition & Organic

TNT Radio: Dr Michelle Perro on What’s Making Our Children Sick?

Although foods derived from GE crops have gone from non-existent in 1994 to ubiquitous in nearly 3 decades, not a single study has compared humans who eat them to those who don’t. It is clearly in the public interest to enable science-based decisions about foods and food-like ingredients derived from GE crops and animals in our diets. Research on the untoward effects of GE crops on human and animal health, as well as their effects on the environment, should be undertaken.

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Regulation of Genetically Engineered Foods

Regulation of Genetically Engineered Foods

In the US, genetically engineered (GE) organisms are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Department of Agricultural (USDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Since the first commercialization of GE foods, the US National Academy of...

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GM Foods: A Moment of Honesty

GM Foods: A Moment of Honesty

So many have claimed that GE foods are perfectly safe, that the science is settled and only fools would deny this. However, professor of Anthropology and Environmental Studies Glenn Davis Stone explains that precisely identical claims have been made before for...

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