Article by Michelle Perro, MD, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, and Zen Honeycutt BFA Introduction Consumer groups, GMOScience, Moms Across America, and supporters have commissioned the testing of Girl Scout cookies for toxic metals and glyphosate/AMPA (an herbicide and its...
Note from GMOScience: Chuck Benbrook, PhD in agricultural economics, ( writes about the publication of a recent shocking study from Argentina exposing the explosion of asthma in the Argentinian city of Monte Maiz from...
Judy Hoy is a scientist, wildlife biologist, and educator, who taught elementary school for 12 years, rehabilitated wildlife for 50 years, continuously documented the birth defects that began occurring on wildlife in spring of 1995 and has co-authored several...
One person can make a difference! A 55-year-old native Mayan beekeeper, Leydy Pech, has won out against Monsanto in a grassroots effort to protect her precious bees from glyphosate poisoning. Mexico is the sixth largest honey-producing country in the world, and the...
Our children are consuming a daily dose of poison. Parents are unaware of the great harm befallen our most vulnerable. And for those parents who attempt to thwart the daily dose of poison, children consume it at school. If you are awake and aware of the harm of...
Parent Alert: Nope! We are not having it! Thanks to reporting by @UnlimitedHangR, @RobertKennedyJr will not be undermined! This game playing must end! Now is the time for ALL of us to become CSI/citizen scientists parents!
A replay of the NVIC of 1986. Immunity to Big Ag for harm caused by their biocides. Thanks to Wyoming! Here's my submission to the EPA website regarding this boon bill to industry:
GMOScience is offering these 2 days of recordings from April 2023 free of charge, featuring five of the top doctors, scientist, and attorney who are on the front lines, working with people experiencing adverse effects and injury from vaccine exposure and Long Covid. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation of any amount to support our work.