Pediatrician Michelle Perro, MD This is Page 3 of a 3-page article. If you are just joining us, please see Page 1 and Page 2. Clinical relevance of these studies to human health The pediatrician and executive director of GMOScience, Michelle Perro, MD commented on the...
Through sanitation, better nutrition, medical care and many other advances, we naturally expect that children’s health should continually improve over time. However, this has not been the case in recent years. Many childhood diseases are on the rise and the rate of...
By Belinda Martineau, PhD Some Ag-Biotech history Twenty years ago, before crops genetically engineered to be herbicide-tolerant were commercially available, one of the big concerns environmentalists had about the use of agricultural biotechnology was that it would...
By Michelle Perro, M.D., D. Hom.Caring for children has been my entire life’s work. It requires an open mind to perform this work, particularly in our present environment that challenges the health of this very vulnerable population. For those of us who embrace the...
There are many types of Bt toxin in the wild and in genetically engineered plants; research has raised safety concerns relating to some of them. Declaring them all safe is premature, and here’s why. Thus far, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded...
I appreciate this post from @goddeketal on the historical overview of the man who single-handedly changed our health landscape from holistic to Pharma-driven. The irony is his practitioner was a homeopath!
GMOScience is offering these 2 days of recordings from April 2023 free of charge, featuring five of the top doctors, scientist, and attorney who are on the front lines, working with people experiencing adverse effects and injury from vaccine exposure and Long Covid. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation of any amount to support our work.