Dr. Perro’s Guiding Philosophy to Health and Healing

Article, Childhood Illness, Immune System, Nutrition, Parent Advice, Regenerative Health

Each of us has the divine gift for self-healing.  But often the body’s attempts for realization of this principle is thwarted by infection, toxicants, emotional traumas and our own unique genetic make-up.  My approach to healing focuses on the following approach:

  1. Laying out the blue-print for the person via an in-depth history, physical assessment and supporting laboratory findings.
  2. Based on the above, adjusting the child’s external terrain to minimize toxic exposures.
  3. Begin to work on the internal terrain to get the body communicating again.

The internal terrain work often begins with the gut.  The aspects to gut healing include repairing intestinal permeability, rebalancing the microbiome, assisting with food breakdown via enzymes and restoring nutrients to support biological functions.  If we can jump-start the gut health, individuals often report better health and other treatments can ensure.

Next phases may center around detoxification and there are many ways to approach this complicated subject.  My favorites include German Biological Medicine (with the emphasis on clearing the extracellular matrix of cells) due to its efficacy and gentleness for many individuals.

Getting to the root cause may then bring to light chronic infections such as Lyme, co-infections, Epstein Barr Virus or Herpes Virus to name a few.  As the vitality of the child sparks, the immune system may come on board so that deep healing can take place.  There are a vast array of treatment plans for infection and each plan is tailored individually.

Emotional healing is a key component of healing and some of the tools I like to employ include homeopathics combined with various types of hands-on manipulative medicine as well as therapies such as mindfulness, talk therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and Neurofeedback programs.

It takes a broad palette as well as a various team of artists to assist the person in their healing journey and many of us will play a role in restoring the original work of art. Making our Children Well, Dr. Perro’s sequel to, What’s Making our Children Sick?, will be released in 2023, designed as a guide to re-educate and re-empower parents to care for their families.

Parental Alert:
Moms’ advice: Find joy. Here I am in my happy place, Ballroom dance class, demonstrating a tango with my teacher, Mark Novak.

Parental Alert:

My Mother's Day Message: 🌻

I've dedicated my whole career and calling to our children, inspired by all of you tenacious moms fiercely protecting your children.

I've written a 2nd book, Making our Children Well, focused on homeopathy and nutrition and will…

Parental Alert: This paper was brought to my attention by my @theNewMDS co-podcaster, @stephanieseneff.

We've known that nano aluminum has been used in vaccines (although the FDA removed the word "nano").

It appears that nanocurcumin can offset the…

Organic Farming Shown to Reduce Pesticide Load in Bird of Prey Species. Study suggests not only the direct environment around nests is less contaminated but that the prey hunted by parents in the close vicinity and brought to chicks is less contaminated. https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2024/05/organic-farming-shown-to-reduce-pesticide-load-in-bird-of-prey-species/

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V-Symposium Recordings:

GMOScience is offering these 2 days of recordings from April 2023 free of charge, featuring five of the top doctors, scientist, and attorney who are on the front lines, working with people experiencing adverse effects and injury from vaccine exposure and Long Covid. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation of any amount to support our work.

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