
An Indigenous Woman Fights Back Against Monsanto and Wins

One person can make a difference! A 55-year-old native Mayan beekeeper, Leydy Pech, has won out against Monsanto in a grassroots effort to protect her precious bees from glyphosate poisoning. Mexico is the sixth largest honey-producing country in the world, and the indigenous communities are major producers of honey from the Mayan stingless bees native to the area. When her bees became threatened by Monsanto's pesticides used on neighboring GMO soy crops, Pech led a lawsuit against the Mexican...

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You Asked!  We Answered! Do Carbon Filters Eliminate Glyphosate?

You Asked!  We Answered! Do Carbon Filters Eliminate Glyphosate?

Reader Kathryn L. asks whether carbon filters can eliminate glyphosate from her drinking water.  Good question!  This is what we found out As per the EPA, studies show that glyphosate is effectively removed with activated-carbon methods, as well as chlorine and ozone.  There are more than 750 glyphosate-based herbicides on the market, (Roundup being the most renowned), so this is a commonly used and ubiquitous herbicide. How does glyphosate get into your water, Kathryn?  Run-off and erosion...

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What’s Making our Children Sick?

What’s Making our Children Sick?

Regenerating Our Health and Food So many ill children reveal the ways we have outgrown our medical model and our predominant food production systems.  The problems our kids suffer from most persistently today are complex, arising from a multisystem dysfunctional...

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Can we talk about Regenerative Agriculture?

As an organisation, we’ve always had a complicated relationship with regenerative agriculture; this is probably no surprise to anyone who has followed our work for any length of time. But in some ways, we’ve shied away from really diving into the conversation, partly...

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Big Farms, Empty Food, Chronic Disease

Modern agriculture has made food plentiful and abundant—but not healthy. Half of the American population have chronic diseases, utilizing 86 percent of health care dollars. Oftentimes the blame is placed on those who are ill for their lifestyle choices. But the...

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Farming Nature’s Way

Highlights •Noni trees are a medicinal fruit tree that is native to a large area across Asia and Australia. •Noni was popular among the ancient Polynesians for its many beneficial phytochemicals and its ability to ease pain topically. •Steve and Richele Frailey have...

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What is Regenerative Agriculture?

By Melissa Diane Smith At-A-Glance •Unlike industrial agriculture, regenerative agriculture improves the land rather than depletes it. •Regenerative agriculture uses practices that regenerate and revitalize the soil and the environment. •Regenerative agriculture...

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